Italian View on Second Karabakh War

While maintaining historical and cultural ties with the Republic of Armenia and excellent relations with the Republic of Azerbaijan, to the point that it could be considered a strategic partnership, the Italian Republic has always been clear and explicit in its support of the norms and the rules of international law. According to the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, OSCE Minsk Group, and many different agreements, Armenian forces had to withdraw from the occupied regions of Azerbaijan, namely Karabakh and its surrounding regions. Consistently with respect to international law, the Italian government has multiple times demonstrated its support for territorial integrity within the internationally recognized borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Being a country with a complex structure of central and regional governing bodies, it is also important to analyze both the views within the parliament of the Italian Republic, which consists of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, and the position of different regional governing bodies, such as the regional, city and municipal councils, apart from the official government policy of Italy. While analyzing the response of different Italian governing bodies to the Second Karabakh War, it is also useful to examine the objectivity of the Italian media sources relative to the Western media sources in general regarding the issue in the Southern Caucasus. Although the official government policy of the Italian Republic in relation to the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict has always been the respect of the internationally recognized borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the view of the conflict by some of the local governing bodies does not always have endorsed this view, while Italian media sources have remained relatively objective in relation to the general Western media towards the war.
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- Italy
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